Interesting Essays for Kids

Interesting Essays for Kids


We know that essay writing is crucial for the development of our children. Since they cannot escape from doing this activity, we, as parents and teachers, are also in a dilemma as we need to find and give interesting topics for them to write essays. So, are you wondering how to keep their interest in English essay writing alive?

Here, we are providing you with some best topics for kids to write essays on. You can choose from this diverse list of topics and ask your children to write an English essay. We will also see why essay writing is important for children, and how we can inspire them to write through simple topics like My Mother essay, My Family essay etc.

Significance of Essays

Whether in school or at home, we always push children to write something. Children may not understand why we compel them to write. Hence, it is necessary to teach them the importance of writing the English essays. If your children ever question you that they would rather speak about a topic than write on it, the following points will help you to make them understand the significance of writing.

  • Writing helps children to think logically and organise their ideas. They will also be able to speak confidently about a topic once they have gathered relevant information and structure them in an essay.
  • Essay writing is a creative activity that boosts the imagination of children. They will learn to turn any boring topic into an interesting essay if they keep up the practice of writing.
  • Children will become knowledgeable by writing essays. Writing English essays is a way for them to gather information about different subjects and topics, which helps them in building their intellect.
  • Writing improves the focus of children, and they will understand how simple details can add depth to their writing. Besides, they will learn essential skills of time management as they are asked to turn in their essays within a specific time.
  • Most importantly, essays enable children to develop their writing abilities. By writing essays, they will be able to build their vocabulary and identify their writing styles.

Essay Topics for Kids

Just like how essays are important for children’s holistic growth, choosing the apt topics for essays is also paramount so that you do not lose the interest of children midway. If the topic is interesting, children will also be enthusiastic about penning down a few lines on it. Moreover, only if we give them easy topics, in the beginning, will they try to write about them? So, the more you get your children intrigued, the more they will develop an interest in English essay writing.

It is not hard to pick the most desirable essay topics for children. To make it easier for you, we have given a few essay topics here, which you can give your children to write about. The most popular topics include My Mother essay, My Family essay, My School essay, My Best Friend essay, My School Garden essay, My Grandmother essay, My Favourite Teacher essay, My Pet essay, My Favourite Sports essay, among many others. Once they have gained practice writing on these topics, we can give them more essays like My Picnic Day, A Visit to Zoo, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Republic Day, Festivals of India, Mahatma Gandhi etc.

Children will happily write about My Mother essay or My Grandmother essay, as these are people with whom they are closely related and have many memories. It is always a struggle to start something, but once it kicks off, it will be a smooth ride. So, to introduce kids to writing essays, present them with cool journals and ask them to write about things that they find amusing or which they wish to remember forever. By recording their events and feelings in a journal, they will slowly fall into the habit of writing, and it would not be hard to make them write English essays. Let us unfold the creative genes of our children through these amazing essay topics.

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