finance a new business solutions

How to finance a new business solutions


Are you planning to start your business or do you want to expand your business? You will probably need to find and obtain financing . Public aid, loans, crowdfunding, business angels, etc. the sources are numerous. But how to choose the right interlocutor and quickly obtain your financing?

Discover in this file a first sample of  solutions to finance your business , the conditions for accessing them and their respective advantages.

The personal contribution

It goes without saying that having a minimum of funds (an amount that covers start-up costs) is an asset when you want to start or develop your business , especially if you have to apply for loans . In addition, it makes the project more credible with potential future donors, suppliers and partners. But the personal contribution is not the only solution to launch your project. Alternative solutions exist.

love money

The love money or literally “the money of love” in French is a source of financing solicited from his family, his friends… The contributions can be substantial provided you know how to sell your project. In addition, the “Madelin” or IR-PME tax niche allows individuals who invest in the creation of a VSE/SME to benefit from a tax reduction of 18% of the amount invested. This tax advantage is a decisive tool of persuasion.

Moreover, this participation of relatives can have a leverage effect with banks . Indeed, it is a guarantee of confidence allowing banks to more easily grant a loan to finance your business .

Aid and subsidies

News of the Pacte law: changes to ACCRE

Beneficiaries  : from 1 January 2019,  the ACCRE  becomes “Exemption from the start of business creation or takeover activity” (ACRE). It is  extended to all creators and buyers of companies effectively controlling the company (subject to not exceeding €40,000 in turnover in the first year of activity).

Formalities  : now, no application will have to be made to benefit from ACRE.

Note, however, that a posterior verification are likely to be carried out, by written request or within the framework of a control procedure.

Exemptions  : the ACRE beneficiary obtains exemption from certain social security contributions for a period of 12 months. Micro-entrepreneurs can benefit from an extension of aid for 24 months.

The ACRE exemption  applies to contributions for health, maternity, old-age, widowhood, disability and death insurance and to family allowances due to the schemes to which they are newly affiliated.

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