How to find the perfect mobile app developer for your business?


1 in 5 users give up using mobile apps after just one use. Similarly, 3 out of 10 users do so before the 11th use. Although app abandonment is down, these numbers are still frustrating for any budding app developer. This is why finding a qualified person with an ideal value/cost ratio remains a very important subject. So we’ve picked out a few tips to help you hire   mobile app developer talented enough to create a viable product.

We’ll walk you through what to consider when hiring a mobile app developer as well as where to look for the right talent.


According to Harvard Business School, about 95% of newly launched mobile development projects fail. One of the main reasons for these sad statistics is the failure to take into account the phases listed below as well as the hiring of mobile application developers “empty-handed”.


First, define your target audience and find their needs before thinking about the solution.

Start with the basics (age, gender, education…) then move on to the details (personality, attitudes, values…).

Based on the results, think about the problems your target audience might encounter in your industry. Don’t stop at mere assumptions – interview 5-7 potential customers to find out if these issues are really critical.

Find the solution. Do an audit of your competitors and see how you can make your app stand out from them. After that, write a rough prototype of your MVP to check if your solution meets the needs of your audience.


At this stage, you need to define the minimum set of features that can bring in your first customers and advertise them.

An MVP (minimum viable product) is a product with enough functionality to attract early customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. In industries such as software, the MVP can help the product team get user feedback as quickly as possible to iterate and improve the product.

efine an MVP.Create a landing page.

A landing page will help you get your initial traction and get contact information to turn your potential customers into actual customers.

Define KPIs.

Define metrics to measure the success of your product launch. These can include the number of subscribers, leads, conversions, sales, etc.


The roadmap ensures that gaps in the plan are identified and can be filled if necessary in the future. It also serves as a guide for the team during its journey, allowing it to recognize and act on events that require a change of direction.


Freelancers, remote employees or IT outsourcing companies? Below we’ll explain when each type might work best and give a list of websites where to find them.


If you have a small project that doesn’t really need a development team, designers, and testers, finding a freelance developer will suffice.

Advantages of choosing freelancers:

Hiring freelancers is often the most cost effective way to access a global base of knowledge and skills.
You don’t have to pay for appliances, perks and benefits. You only pay for the work itself.
There are fewer responsibilities as an employer: once the project is delivered, the working relationship is either terminated or suspended until you collaborate on a project in the future.

Disadvantages of choosing independent developers:

Management overhead related to tracking multiple tasks performed by separate contractors.
Potential data security issues created by providing complete outsiders access to critical systems.
Unless they are long-term partners deeply committed to corporate events and strategy, freelancers are less personally invested in the long-term success of your business due to the temporary nature of their employment.


When it comes to medium and long-term projects that require specific training, consider hiring a telecommuter.

Benefits of working with remote teams:

You build productive and engaged teams ready for long-term commitment.
The expertise acquired during the project remains within the company.
Employees working remotely often cost less because they don’t need office expenses or other benefits.

Disadvantages of choosing to work with remote teams:

It involves all the pains and hurdles of hiring employees and building teams from them.
If they get sick, go on vacation or leave, the corresponding parts of your project are interrupted.
It can be difficult to accurately estimate their performance and productivity.

If you have a complex project, consider an IT outsourcing company or an application development agency. This gives you the privilege of hiring mobile app developers with unique experience working on the best projects. It also ensures that deadlines will be met, the quality will come off the charts, and the management headache will not be yours.

Advantages of subcontracting/outsourcing:

Instant access to ready-to-use teams with the necessary expertise. Ready-to-use solutions to minimize the time to value of your projects. The technology provider takes care of the motivation, benefits, benefits and replacement of the team if necessary.

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