Video Apps

The Rise of Short Video Apps: Popularity and Impact


In the realm of social media, short video apps have emerged as a cultural force. It has influenced many people worldwide to follow their passion & generate unique content that has a positive impact on society. Social media platforms have transformed the way we consume content in our daily lives. From educational to comedy short videos, viewers can watch them all and have a great fun & learning experience.

Whether you are a fashion, fitness, makeup, sports, or other enthusiast, you may create content to showcase your skills to the world and leave viewers in awe. It is okay, even if you are a beginner. Begin your journey of creating, editing, and posting splendorous & top-quality videos today. Various reliable platforms are available today on which you can edit and post your videos. So, install the best free app for video editingand posting, and gain fame.

Evolution of Short Video Apps in India

During the beginning of the twenty-first century, particularly in the 2010s, there has been tremendous technological change. With the emergence of social media, people were captivated by the ways they had access to short video apps. India has witnessed a remarkable evolution of short video apps over the years. Various international platforms induced Indians to create bite-sized content and paved the path for the wave of video platforms.

As per prior research, the short-form content has grown approximately 1.37 times in terms of monthly active users and 1.1 times in terms of daily active users, with Indian platforms capturing a huge chunk of the market. Initially, there were fewer creators. However, during the pandemic, many people used short video apps as a means to monetize their content. The videos were so persuasive that they inspired people of all ages to create content as per their interests, such as dancing, swimming, fitness, yoga, calisthenics, boxing, poetry, stand-up comedy, and much more.

Today, you can find influencers, even of a young age, who are confident in front of the camera and deliver inspiring and stunning content. You can see how short videos are making inroads everywhere, from entertainment to commerce, bringing insightful impact and positivity to society.

Impact of Short Video Apps on Society

Today, short video platforms have grown into powerful communication media. These are favored by many users because of their diverse content, fewer production costs, fast dissemination, strong visual impact, easy sharing, and access to a wider audience. Let us have a look at how short video apps bring a positive change to society.

Empowerment & Self Expression

Short video apps have given a voice to people to share their experiences, stories, and perspectives globally. Viewers may watch such videos and try to connect with them, thereby leading people to be united and make a change for the better. Such apps help individuals to express themselves and create their own identity in the world.

People, including youngsters, are creating content as per their preferences that inspire and teach the viewers to take a stand & do something positive for their betterment and society. For instance, a fitness enthusiast making a video on the importance of a healthy lifestyle or working out in the gym can persuade the audience to start taking steps for their good. Thus, such videos help create social awareness about different important issues, like fitness.


Now, video content creators can monetize their content through brand partnerships, collaborations, influencer marketing, and advertising. Short video apps have opened the doors for entrepreneurship, helping people earn money by doing something they like the most. With short videos, you can build personal brands and showcase skills, thereby generating income.

Promotes Culture and Community Building

Many short video platforms have fostered a sense of community among people. People with similar and shared interests & passions join hands and support each other in a global cause. With the help of short videos, a sense of belonging generates and community engagement that leads to a positive impact on mental health and social connections.

Educational Advancements

Short video platforms are one of the best sources for accessing educational content. Now, learning has become easily accessible and almost free. As viewers, you may acquire new skills in distinct domains, such as commerce and IT. Thus, short video apps help people in a variety of ways and bring a positive change in totality that is much needed.

Wrapping Up!

Short video apps have become an integral part of culture and entertainment. Such platforms led to the rise of a new generation of creators and influencers to deliver content that is rich in self-expression and social activism. You can look for a free app for video editing and posting that is reliable, has a user-friendly interface, and has plenty of amazing features.

If you wish to create short videos, you may look for the best platform that fulfills your needs. Hipi is a short video app that can help you generate innovative content and have new followers. The audience is supportive and motivates creators to keep creating content; as a result, you make engaging videos that evoke the emotions of viewers to gain popularity.

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