Termite Inspection

Things Exterminators Check During A Termite Inspection


So you’re considering hiring an exterminator to solve those nagging concerns about termites chewing your house from beneath you. Perhaps you believe you hear chomping in your walls (it’s probably your imagination), or you discovered a flying ant in your cellar and are terrified. Termites, in the end, are destructive pests.

If you have your house examined annually, you can generally detect an infestation before termites cause significant damage to the foundation of your home. Termites are cunning, operating in parts of your home that you rarely investigate thoroughly. They are not, however, without flaws.

If you have already searched for “termite inspection brisbane /near me”,let’s look at five main items a termite inspector will check for to establish whether or not you have a termite infestation on the following pages. We’re going on a bug search, so put on your work shoes.

Wood on Your Property

Termites may live and breed in any wood on your property, supporting a colony. You can detect whether you have an infestation by looking at every wooden building on your property. Termites may come into contact with your property through a wood fence for the first time.

As insects make their way around the perimeter and toward your home, a fence may be their first reliable source of food. They can also be welcomed by firewood, limbs that have fallen to the ground, or wood mulch. Keep an eye out for termites and store all wood at least 20 feet away from your house.

Possible Access Points

Any wood that is close to or touches your property may appeal to termites looking for food. Because they are frequently left unattended for extended periods of time, they might serve as a suitable starting point.

Just as frequently as the wood within the house, steps, decks, and fences should be checked by the experts of brisbane termite inspection team, or by a specialist near you. Termite colonies may enter your house by any one of these points, so be careful to regularly and completely examine them.

Moisture Level

What is happening inside your home’s walls may be seen because of the level of moisture. Many termite species need water to survive, thus they look for wood in wet environments.

These moisture levels are crucial to understanding since these termites may obtain the water they require to thrive by eating wood with high moisture content. The results of moisture tests on your wood might determine how vulnerable your house is. The moisture levels in your property may be accurately assessed by a termite inspector.

Wood Damage

Termites carry out their work within. It’s possible that they started eating the interior of the wood on your home before you saw any external damage. By tapping the wood, inspectors might find termite-caused interior damage.

Hollowed areas and termites active within will be indicated by a low or flat sound. There may also be a few dried mud tubes visible on your property in the early stages of the infestation. As the wood reaches an advanced stage of disintegration, these tubes may get bigger.

Indicators of Swarming

Swarms inside or outside your home are an indication that the building is infected. Near windows, doorways, and other well-lit places of the house, swarms can be discovered. Reproductive termites are drawn to sources of light and frequently fly about in search of a mate. Keep an eye out for termite swarms all throughout the day on your property, and get in touch with an expert right once if you spot any.

Mud tubes

Also known as shelter tubes, these. Termites build these tiny, mud-lined passageways when they need to pass through open areas. For example, they will build a roadway around or over it since they can’t pass through concrete footers.

Rapid dehydration is a risk for termites. They construct these mud tubes using dirt, wood cellulose, and other materials to make a microenvironment that sustains humidity levels for them in order to protect themselves from exposure. Predators are also kept at bay by it.

It’s doubtful that you will find a mud tube, but a skilled pest control professional will know to check around your pipes and along the foundation. The tubes can be straight or have different shapes, and they have a thickness equivalent to a straw. Additionally, they will look in your attic, crawlspace, and other places where termites could have discovered entryways into your house.

We know that some people worry about the cost of professional services. And that’s perfectly fine, and if you are one of those people you can learn about the inspection cost by searching “termite inspection cost brisbane/near me”. First you compare then you choose according to your budget. But do make sure that the agency is an experienced one.


What attracts termites in the house?

Termites will surely enter your home to feast on wood. They are also drawn in by moisture.

Is a termite bond a waste of money?

No. It’s the best option when you want to protect your home from termites.

Is it worth getting a termite bond?

Yes. Termites can turn your home into dust and having a termite bond can help you to be ready for such a situation.

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